Saturday 19 December 2015

The Vessel(a small poem)

Oh beautiful vessel!
The magicorns make your bow; 
A tall grand bateau you are,
The wings of a pegasus give you power,
Your sails woven from the plumeria,
Your masts are made from the strongest timber.
The quills of great philosophers make your oars;
Ostentatious and magnificent you are.

Oh beautiful vessel!
Take me to the depths where blood appears green.
I don't mind taking risks,
Help me explore Atlantis.
Cuts and bruises will not deter me,
For I'm determined to enjoy the ride;
You don't give me fear,
Take me to the unknown lands of this sphere.

A beautiful experience it would be;
To go beyond the blue sky merrily.
Past the twinkling balls of fire,
And huge spheres of his creation.
Oh beautiful flying vessel,
Every minute you jiggle;
But never do you put me down:
Evening the darkest hour.

And once my ride is over,
You'll never ferry me again, I'm aware.
I'll never lose this chance,never.
Oh beautiful vessel!
We have less time to explore. 
Take me to the hidden treasures of the Lords.
Don't you wait for the unwilling to board,
Don't take me to the dragon's cave,
Nor the the cursed land.

Oh poor mankind,
We're just a speck of dust unable to find.
In this macrocosm expanding without borders,
We're not much bigger than the tiniest ant:
What are we i wonder
We wish to live with splendour.
Let's learn to be like an ant
Hard working and never sleeping.

Let's take any little opportunity in this hurry race,
For only once it shows its merry face.
Once the ship leaves;
It never returns to the sphere.
Never will you see it, beware.
You'll not have time to spare,
In our fast little stream:
That would end one day.
-by Benetha

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